How to Overcome Dog & Cat Anxiety and Keep Pets Happy

Pets, like humans, suffer from anxiety. And like for humans, we may want to give pets something to ease their suffering, like supplements or pet anxiety meds. However, before reaching for a quick fix, it makes more sense to first understand the reason for an anxiety condition. The following will explore possible causes of anxiety followed by potential remedies to overcome it, so let’s dive in.

Understanding dog and cat anxiety

Symptoms of cat and dog anxiety

Before discussing solutions, it’s essential to understand the signs and causes of cat and dog anxiety. By closely observing signs of anxiety in your pet, you may be able to ascertain a problem and figure out a solution without further input. Common signs of anxiety in pets include:

  1. Excessive barking or meowing
  2. Panting (dogs)
  3. Drooling
  4. Yawning
  5. Destructive behavior
  6. Restlessness
  7. Elevated heart rate
  8. Hiding
  9. Excessive licking
  10. Shedding
  11. Urinary accidents
  12. Change in appetite
dog and cat anxiety

What causes dog and cat anxiety?

Common causes can vary widely, which could include the following.

  1. Separation anxiety
  2. Fear of thunderstorms
  3. Fireworks or other loud noise
  4. Car rides
  5. Presence of other animals
  6. Unfamiliar people or situations
  7. Lack of exposure to social and environmental experiences
  8. Other phobias

Dog separation anxiety

A common source of dog anxiety symptoms is due to dog separation anxiety. In most cases, dogs have a special bond with their owners and separation from them is a major source of dog anxiety symptoms.

Listed below are a few steps you can take to help minimize or eliminate separation anxiety.

  1. Gradual Desensitization: Start by desensitizing your dog to your departures. Practice leaving for short periods, even just a few minutes, and gradually extend the time you’re away. This helps your dog get used to the idea that you will come back.
  2. Create a Calm Environment: Make your departures and arrivals as low-key as possible. Avoid making a big fuss over your dog when you leave or return. This helps reduce the emotional intensity of these moments.
  3. Establish a Routine: Dogs thrive on routine. Establish a consistent daily schedule for feeding, exercise, and potty breaks. Predictability can help reduce anxiety.
  4. Crate Training: Some dogs feel more secure in a crate when left alone. Properly introduce your dog to a crate and make it a comfortable and safe space for them.
  5. Use Puzzle Toys and Treats: Provide your dog with interactive toys or puzzle feeders filled with treats or kibble. This can keep them mentally engaged and distracted while you’re away.
  6. Counter-Conditioning: Train your dog to associate your departures with positive things. Give them special treats or toys that they only get when you leave.
  7. Gradual Alone Time: Practice leaving your dog alone for short periods and gradually increasing the duration. Reward them for calm behavior during these practice sessions.
  8. Obedience Training: Enroll your dog in obedience training classes to reinforce commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come.” These commands can help redirect their attention and reduce anxiety.
  9. Consider Professional Help: If your dog’s separation anxiety is severe or doesn’t improve with these methods, consider seeking help from a professional dog trainer or a veterinary behaviorist. They can provide a customized behavior modification plan.

Obedience training with dogs from a professional trainer can help dogs cope with dog separation anxiety as well as other behavior issues and phobias that may develop (more on training below).

Due to the frequence occurrence of dog separation anxiety, entire books have been dedicated to the subject, like the one linked here. For more on separation anxiety in dogs online, Pet Health Network posted an excellent article on the subject.

Remedies for cat and dog anxiety

Remedies for determined causes of pet anxiety

Obviously, if the cause of anxiety can be determined, then the ideal remedy should entail making changes to address the cause which could be a simple fix. However, in some cases there may not be an easy fix. For example, if the cause is an external situation like other people or animals in the neighborhood, some diplomacy with other pet owners may be needed to make changes.

For specific fears or phobias, desensitization techniques can be effective, like gradually exposing your pet to the anxiety source to help them adapt, which can be applied in a controlled, positive manner, rewarding them to stay calm.

Finding a cause for your pet’s anxiety and determining a solution would be the absolute best-case scenario, so spending a fair amount of time on this step is warranted. A solution at this stage may take some effort but could result in the best outcome for your pet with likely little cost.

Remedies for undetermined causes of pet anxiety

DIY remedies for pet anxiety

Some of the items listed below can be tried to alleviate undetermined anxiety.

Anxiety relieving pet bed – In most cases, pets cherish their pet beds as a confortable space where can relax and reduce anxiety. While an anxiety relieving pet bed may not be a total solution, it may signicantly reduce stress over time. A great example of a anxiety relieving pet bed is illustrated below in the WESTERN HOME Dog & Cat Anti-Anxiety pet bed sold on Amazon. The bed is a top-seller sold in four sizes (20″/24″/27″/30″). Cliick on the image below for more details.

anxiety relieving pet bed

Dog training – Dog training, in whatever format it is done, will likely reduce your dog’s level of anxiety due to better routines and activities with overall better experiences every day. Training also strengthens the bond between you and your dog, which also can reduce stress.

K9 Training Institute provides a free workshop as well as a 10-week Masterclass for dedicated dog owners who are willing to undergo a full commitment to training their dogs. K9TI pros recommend signing up for the free workshop before committing to the Masterclass, which currently costs $497.

k9 training institute

K9TI has excellent reviews from both SiteJabber and TrustPillot, noted below.

K9 TrainingReviews 1

A full article on K9 Training Institute is linked here.

Calming drugs – Just like for humans, there are countless products on the market for anxiety, both natural and synthetic. These products can provide comfort and security during stressful situations.

Also, like for humans, there is a tendency for humans to just want to give something to our pets to cure dog anxiety or cat anxiety.

However, calming products, including supplements like CBD and others, should not be given to pets without professional consultation. They may be harmful to some pets and likely will provide only temporary relief that diminishes over time.

Further, just like for humans, prescribed dosages are crucial in giving the correct amounts needed for a condition, necessitating the need for vet consultation. And there is a tendency of many calming products to lose effectiveness over time due to increasing tolerance.

Professional help for cat and dog anxiety

In severe cases or other situations where you are not able to solve an anxiety problem on-your-own, professional help should be sought. A veterinarian or animal behaviorist can assess your pet’s anxiety and provide tailored solutions, which may include pet anxiety meds in extreme cases.

A good starting point in seeking veterinary help with the Chewy Connect with a Vet program that is available from 6 am to midnight (eastern time) to anyone with a Chewy account (there is no obligation to set up an account). A link to Connect wih a Vet is below


Especially if you have carefully observed your pet’s behavior or tried some DIY remedies discussed above, you should have some valuable input for a gainful discussion with a veterinarian. The vet will likely provide information on recommended next steps to take which could include a recommendation for an appointment with a local veterinarian.

If your veterinarian prescribes a supplement or prescription medication, Chewy will likely have it in stock for ready shipment at a very competitive price. Pet anxiety meds should be considered only a temporary remedy.

Additional information on cat and dog anxiety

There are many great sources of information on dealing with cat and dog anxiety. A good example is an article posted by the ASPCA (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). Interestingly, the article addresses separation anxiety in dogs as one of the most common forms of pet anxiety.

Unwavering love and patience

Above all, show your pet some love, patience, and a commitment to get help for their anxiety. Your affection and reassurance go a long way in helping them cope. Be their anchor during tough times and they will likely remember your kindness.

Final thoughts

Dealing with pet anxiety requires a combination of patience, understanding, and appropriate strategies. Every pet is unique, so it may take some trial and error to discover what works best for your furry friend.

By implementing some of the techniques discussed above and providing a safe, loving environment, you can help your pet lead a happier, calmer life, strengthening the bond you share for years to come.

Remember, you are your pet’s greatest source of comfort and security and the anxiety experience could serve to build a permanent bond with your pet.

pet anxiety

About the author

Arthur Frentzel is a generalist researcher and writer, researching and authoring hundreds of articles covering diverse categories such as automotive, genealogy, investing, economics, and pets.  In recent years, he has published 56 articles on the Seeking Alpha international investment portal and remains as a contributor.  For his love of pets, he has dedicated his research and writing to the pet category.

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