Information provided on the 3PetsNet website is for general information purposes only. 3PetsNet does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of information to visitors on the website. All information on the site should be verified before purchasing products or services. Decisions to purchase products and services illustrated on the site will be made at your own risk. 3PetsNet strives to provide an independent, useful source of information for pets.  The information and views expressed on the site are made in good faith by the authors to provide a source of information that can be useful in making informed decisions when sourcing pet-related products.  However, 3PetsNet cannot ensure that actual experiences will measure up to the views expressed and readers should verify and evaluate information directly with potential suppliers. It should be realized that views expressed may not be made by professionals and may only reflect individual experiences.

As an independent provider of information, 3PetsNet does not receive compensation from suppliers for articles or other content posted on the site.  However, 3PetsNet may receive a referral fee or commission for purchases made from suppliers linked on the site that direct readers to third-party websites.  Referral fees or commissions may be one-time or enduring but should in no way affect prices paid by consumers. Referral fees are utilized by 3PetsNet to operate the site and, in some cases, compensate providers of valuable content that may be accessed by readers.

Readers should understand that some content provided on third-party websites may not be endorsed by 3PetsNet and, accordingly, should be scrutinized fully by potential buyers.