Are Horses Livestock…or Amazing Pets

Are horses livestock?

In considering the question of whether horses are livestock or good pets, history provides perspective. Considering there were no horses on American soil when Christopher Columbus arrived in 1492, the growth and contribution of horses on the North American continent has been phenomenal.  Still, they are classified merely as livestock by some some measures.

Value of horses

While dogs are regarded as humans’ best friend, it could be argued that horses have made far greater contributions to human well being and progress. 

While horses were brought to the continent on the second voyage of Columbus, they immediately provided a transportation network that was utilized until the motorcars were popularized in the 20th century. 

They facilitated both local and cross-country transportation, farming, ranching, mining, construction, defense, and delivery of everything from mail to milk across the continent.  Until the present day, car engines are rated by horsepower. 

As their role has changed, horses continue to grow in importance in countless equestrian activities.  And as in past centuries, their contribution is no less spectacular as they excel in equestrian sports, including equine trail sports,racing, rodeo, jumping, dressage and others.  

In total, horses contribute more than $100 billion in revenue to the U.S. economy every year, with $28 billion in sports.  According to the World Animal Foundation, there are over 6.6 million horses just in the U.S. 

The National Agriculture Statistics Service (NASS) reports that there are 459,526 horse farms in the U.S. with a horse population of 2,847,289.

Role as pets and companions

Horses are increasingly regarded as pets and companions rather than livestock as in past generations.  In view of the foregoing, a debate has been going on for years on the classification of horses as either pets or livestock.

Are horeses livestock

Advocacy verses government classification of horses

Pet advocates like the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) define pets as “species suitable to be companion animals including dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, ferrets, birds, guinea pigs, and select other small mammals, small reptiles and fish. 

Where they may be kept legally and responsibly, domestic-bred farm animals can also be maintained as companions.”

On the other hand, the U.S. government and the majority of states classify horses as livestock.  While there are many great reasons to classify horses as pets, there are equally good reasons to maintain the livestock designation, especially where government is concerned. 

For example, the federal government has and continues to invest significantly in research for vaccines and other remedies for livestock, including horses.  Many vaccines available for horses are largely the result of federal research programs. 

Reclassification of horses as pets would put research efforts entirely in the private sector, and ultimately horse owners.  In addition, many states have special tax treatment for livestock that is utilized by horse farms of which there are over 450,000 referenced above.

Pet advocates like the ASPCA continue to promote the pet classification for horses largely due to the fact that horses continue to be subject to cruelty and slaughter. 

While the last slaughterhouses in Illinois and Texas were closed in 2007, horses continue to be shipped to Mexico for slaughter. 

Rescue efforts

Meanwhile, many organizations work to rescue horses that outlive their usefulness.  For example, the Retired Race Horse Project rescues former race horses, making them available for a nominal fee to new owners that find creative ways to give them new life. 

Trainable thoroughbreds sometimes make great participants in competitive sports like hunter/jumping and others.

Are horses livestock

In other cases, horses are enrolled in equine therapy programs to provide emotional support for mentally challenged individuals, whch programs have proved that horses inspire confidence and trust in areas such as addiction, PTSD, and ADHD.

Considering the rich history of horses, it becomes clear they have been a huge benefit to mankind, and they have championed it.  Are they pets?  While it is evident that not all horses are cut out to be pets, such as wild horses, many are most certainly pets.

Therapy horses

Therapy horses provide exceptional emotional support and build self-confidence in people. There are many formal equine therapy programs that utilize emotional support horses to address specific mental health and emotional needs.

An informative article and video produced by Chewy provides helpful information in accessing equine therapy services.

Beyond dedicated therapy horses, many horse lovers benefit from therapeutic horseback riding that provides well-being for both horse and rider.

Horse safety first

So the question of whether a given horse is a pet concerns the attributes of that individual horse, in whether it can be considered appropriate or inappropriate, safe or unsafe for humans  Obviously, wild horses (numbering about 80,000 in North America) are not pets and should be distanced from humans. 

Furthermore, due to the very large size of most horses, they can be dangerous to humans if not handled properly.  So they are not pets in the traditional sense but deserve special handling by anyone near them. 

As such, there are many helpful guidelines that should be learned in advance of initiating contact with horses.  One such article posted by IHeartHorses is linked here.

Final thoughts

mini horse pet
Mini horse pet, maximum pet

Due to the current legal classification of horses as livestock to qualify for research funding and vaccine development, it is unlikely that horses will be legally classified as pets in the foreseeable future.

But their growing acceptance as pets by equine enthusiasts is also not likely to change as the above picture of a mini horse pet illustrates.

Horses have become increasingly important to humans even though their role has changed markedly over time. Their increasingly important roles in equine therapy, therapeutic horseback riding, and equine sports continues to build their relationship with humans.

Accordingly, horses have gained high recognition among humans and have more than earned the best treatment regardless of a classification that may be applied to them.

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