Welcome to 3PetsNet. We appreciate and respect your use of the site.  We are primarily a blog site that seeks to provide visitors with unique, useful information not otherwise readily available.

We focus on connecting people and pets to the best sources, at the lowest cost, for pet-related products and services that provide outstanding value and enhance the well-being of pets. Accordingly, we investigate products and services thoroughly in advance of posting information to ensure quality of the information presented.

Going a step further, we attempt to uncover unique advantages of buying from select suppliers, beyond low costs, that provide value to consumers, both pets and humans. 

Irregardless of any potential benefit to 3PetsNet, the site will refrain from covering products or services that it would not itself patronize. We encourage visitors to contact us, through our contact form linked on the homepage, to advise us of any negative experiences encountered with suppliers represented on our site. 

Lastly, we attempt to provide useful information on the most relevant topics for the well-being of pets, concerning nutrition, health & wellness, grooming, common issues, and many other well-researched topics.